I tracked every word that Ruby learned to say in the first 2.5 years of life, analyzing vocab compared to her brothers.
Read more...I tracked every word that Clark learned to say in the first 2.5 years of life, graphing it and comparing it to Max's.
Read more...I just got back from a business trip to China, where I visited Beijing, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. I listened to and s...
Read more...Humans are naturally bad at predictions. Being bad at predictions, and figuring out how to make better ones, sounds ...
Read more...Here's another concept from language learning pedagogy (see also Extensive vs. Intensive Learning): the difference b...
Read more...In language learning, there's a slightly obscure but useful concept of "extensive reading" vs. "intensive reading". ...
Read more...I use a site called PredictionBook to make predictions, say how likely I think they are to occur, and then later jud...
Read more...Yesterday, I went down to the Institute for the Future for a workshop on "extreme learning". There were many diverse...
Read more...Max's vocabulary started exploding around 15-17 months old. I started writing down everything he could say (with und...