A quick jaunt into the world of red-teaming turned into a month-long free-fall down the rabbit hole of AI psycho-warfare
Read more...I tracked every word that Ruby learned to say in the first 2.5 years of life, analyzing vocab compared to her brothers.
Read more...In which I ignore how many copies of The Motivation Hacker I sold for six years, then "just" ask the AI.
Read more...In which I have a magical Christmas shopping experience with the AI
Read more...I tracked every word that Clark learned to say in the first 2.5 years of life, graphing it and comparing it to Max's.
Read more...I was talking to a friend who seemed to be independently rediscovering what he called self-referential motivation: m...
Read more...Here's another concept from language learning pedagogy (see also Extensive vs. Intensive Learning): the difference b...
Read more...In language learning, there's a slightly obscure but useful concept of "extensive reading" vs. "intensive reading". ...
Read more...I use a site called PredictionBook to make predictions, say how likely I think they are to occur, and then later jud...
Read more...Humans are naturally bad at predictions. Being bad at predictions, and figuring out how to make better ones, sounds ...
Read more...Now I have two kids. So far, it's pretty similar to just having one kid. The time and energy needed to sustain doubl...
Read more...I always love it when people share revenue data for their apps / games / books / works, and it's been four years sin...
Read more...Max's vocabulary started exploding around 15-17 months old. I started writing down everything he could say (with und...
Read more...Max recently turned two, so I made another video! See also the video I made for his first year....
Read more...I just got back from a business trip to China, where I visited Beijing, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. I listened to and s...
Read more...Since Max turned one last week, I made a poignant video of poignancy showing him growing up over the past year....
Read more...I used to eat food. I still do, but I used to, too.You have probably heard of Soylent, the liquid meal replacement w...
Read more...Baby Max is four months old today. I posted when he was one month, talking about what a difficult little demon he wa...
Read more...When Chloe and I were trying to come up with baby names, every conversation would go something like this:Chloe: "New...
Read more...We have reproduced! Max is one month old now. Here's his birth announcement photo, where he looks adorable:Apart fro...
Read more...I always love it when people share revenue data for their apps / games / books / works, and it's been two years sinc...
Read more...When I was a kid, I didn't work. I got a tiny allowance ($5 per week, or maybe per month), and every now and then I'...
Read more...It's that time again where I become a better person. Help me out, would ya? Follow this link to give me anonymous ad...
Read more...Here are some of the posts I want to write: experiential sampling tools, the butter eating competition story, experi...
Read more...ManiacsInspired by my 120-Hour Workweek Epic Coding Time-lapse video, Bethany and Danny over at Beeminder have done ...
Read more...Reader Raj Bapna has formatted The Motivation Hacker into a paperback, so you can now get one and do your normal boo...
Read more...There's a thought experiment people use when they think about possible future technologies like teleportation and cr...
Read more...Emacs wizards will tell you that it is not merely a text editor, but an operating system; not just a way to work, bu...
Read more...I always love it when people share revenue data for their apps / games / books / works, and it's been a year since T...
Read more...This is the 2nd time I've seen this kid, both times with a burrito, and NO shoes. It's in SOMA, and he has a fancy b...
Read more...A month before Y Combinator Demo Day, I resolved to be as productive as possible for 30 days, since they say that th...
Read more...Here are the last six posts I've written for the CodeCombat blog over the past few months. Look at the view counts:T...
Read more...04:06. The wake light has gradually brightened to 20% brightness, but I cut it off early. It's time to rise, silentl...
Read more...My head obsesses. I get songs stuck in my head so badly that I have to leave the room when "I'm On A Boat" comes on,...
Read more...Here's an old post from 2011-11-21 I thought I'd save from Google+. It is just two years old and already my G+ histo...
Read more...After a reader asked about why I don't use shower products on the cold showers post comments, I started thinking of ...
Read more...A few months ago, I set out to test cold showers. Here's what I wrote for my experimental mission statement:People a...
Read more...Last week I set out to see how many hours of programming work I could do in one week on CodeCombat, our multiplayer ...
Read more...Starting Monday morning at 04:00, and ending the next Monday at 03:59, I'm going to see how many hours of CodeCombat...
Read more...Originally posted on the CodeCombat blog.What a crazy weekend! We launched our beta on Friday morning by posting to ...
Read more...Watch out: I use "I" 54 times in this post, so this will be boring if you, like me, aren't interested in hearing me ...
Read more...It's been almost six months since I published The Motivation Hacker, my book on how to get yourself to want to do wh...
Read more...For a few months in the beginning of 2012, the only exercise I got was doing 10-20 sets of pull-ups a day. I was hac...
Read more...These are the three plants I have out of my 99 things. I went to a plant nursery and bought them after my friend Dav...
Read more...I was thinking of 1) setting something up where I could monitor my breath rate while working at my computer and 2) u...
Read more...Yesterday, I went down to the Institute for the Future for a workshop on "extreme learning". There were many diverse...
Read more...During the hike up King's Peak (wild bachelor party, I know), I was a lithe gecko gliding up the trail. When going d...
Read more...A while ago I was working with Yoni on Telepath, a project to make your laptop do passive machine learning on your e...
Read more...I wrote this as a guest post on the Beeminder blog — comments can live there.It’s dark. Warm. Safe. You’re in bed, a...
Read more...Chloe and I dated for six years. For three years*, we were long-distance. For five years, starting five months in, I...