The Motivation Hacker: Now in Paperback

Reader Raj Bapna has formatted The Motivation Hacker into a paperback, so you can now get one and do your normal booky things to it:

  • read the book on a steeply angled airplane
  • smell the book
  • make the book smell like highlighter
  • hit smaller lifeforms with the book
  • tear out the climactic page and then give it to a friend
  • leave the book forgotten in your backpack
  • push the book into other books to play book dominoes
  • replace one of your secretly loathed possessions with the book
  • incinerate the torn-out page in front of your friend as a funny joke
  • ... that's all I can think of. (I just do Kindle books now.)

What is The Motivation Hacker? It's my book about getting yourself to want to do all the things you've always wanted to want to do. Most people like it, so I think you will, too.

You can grab a copy here for $7.99.


Cofounded CodeCombat and Skritter. Wrote The Motivation Hacker. Currently focused on AI, especially making AI systems safe.

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